Note-Taking (link):

Master a system of connected notes and tools that generate research ideas on auto-pilot. Stay organized in big projects and access everything you ever read in seconds.

AI Literature Review (link):

Leverage AI to find the most impactful literature quickly, cut your reading volume by 75%, use cutting AI search engine to uncover hidden reference gaps and combine various tools into a tested workflow.

Course on Academic Knowledge Management (link)
Learn how to best start taking digital notes for your research. Over time these notes become an extension of your mind generating novel insights, allowing you to remember any paper and organize big projects.

Course on using AI assistants for academia (link)
Get expert level knowledge on any topic by building powerful AI assistants that transform how you learn and do research. Learn techniques most people still don’t know about in hands-on, beginner-friendly examples.

(Click on links above to learn more in detail + testimonials)